Page 14 - DoitBest 2021 Report
P. 14

“Do it Best has earned every bit of business we have   During the most recent supply and distribution
            given them,” said Kris.                                disruptions, Do it Best continued to win them over.
                                                                   The Scherer brothers were impressed by their co-op’s
            Today, the relationship between Scherer Bros. Lumber   bargaining power at a time when even the most basic
            Co. and Do it Best continues to grow. The Do it Best   commodities were in high demand.
            team is in constant contact, proactively helping them
            meet their contractors’ needs. Their co-op’s buying    “They run contracts very well and are very efficient at
            power and strong mill relationships helped them        doing it,” said Kris. “They have established themselves
            continue to serve their customers despite a volatile   as preferred buyers by committing to remaining active
            supply market and historic global pandemic. As a       in the market regardless of market conditions — and
            result, they increased their lumber and panel purchases   the mills like it.”
            through Do it Best by 267 percent.
                                                                   “Do it Best has helped us keep products in stock
            “By the end of our 2020 fiscal year, Do it Best was a   on a consistent basis,” added Mark. “They serve us
            major part of our business,” said Mark. “They have     extremely well and do what they say they’re going
            been there for us through some extremely challenging   to do. They have been critical to our success, even
            times and are a critical part of our success.”         through the supply chain stresses that exist today.”

            Throughout the relationship, the brothers have been    Moving into a new year full of opportunities, the
            impressed by how invested Do it Best is in the success   Scherers will continue to build on their winning formula
            of every member’s business. They particularly admire   of a well-defined customer base, outstanding service,
            the company’s flexibility and willingness to make      and strong relationships — relationships that include
            adjustments in order to maintain service through the   Do it Best.
            rapid market changes.
                                                                   “We got where we are by valuing the right
            “With everything that has gone on with the             relationships,” said Peter. “The relationships we have
            consolidation of mills, builders, wholesalers, and     with our customers, banks, vendors, and employees
            dealers, Do it Best has done a spectacular job of      are equally important to us — and Do it Best is a major
            making their supply chain work with the changes,” said   part of that equation.”
            Kris. “They’re focused on what members need and
            tailor their operations to help all of us out.”

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